You can open a business account at many banks using a virtual business address. Each bank has different requirements, so be sure to check with your bank. Since you can register your business under a virtual address, it is also suitable for a business account at many financial institutions.
Mail-receiving service agencies like BSSI Virtual Office should be 100% dedicated to having all clients fill out the USPS form 1583. We are registered with the USPS as a commercial mail-receiving agency (CMRA). Therefore we can receive mail on our customers behalf. When a company signs up for mail receiving usually as part of a business address package the service provider must be a CMRA.
A USPS application must be completed and submitted to USPS by a company in order to be a CMRA. BSSI Virtual Office has filled this application out so our customers will be compliant with the USPS.
This is the USPS Form 1583: The form can be viewed by clicking this link.
Then you can notarized online by viewing the video tutorial on YouTube through this link.
Virtual office sign-up is a simple process that gets you professionally through purchasing a virtual office package. Using our secure eCommerce process, visit our website and buy a Virtual Office package for your desired location.
After you go through the process of a Virtual office sign-up, an email from us will follow your purchase with your service agreement and forms. In the email, we will also include the US Postal Service Form 1583 for packages, including a business address. Your account will be in the final setup process once you return all completed documents.
A virtual office creates all the location and service needs for companies to Conduct Business Virtually. First, a local business address with mail receiving and forwarding services; as a result, meeting all marketing and correspondence requirements. Second, a local phone number with a staff of receptionists to answer all your calls. Lastly, use of an onsite conference room, fax, and copy machine (location dependent). Here are links to view our BBB A+ Rating and to contact us.
Businesses use virtual offices, from small to large organizations. Small businesses use virtual offices to keep costs low and, as a result, have more cash flow. Traveling business professionals can have access to great office space. Lastly, start-up and expanding businesses can both use the flexibility of low cost while growing.
A Virtual Office is a physical address that offers services to businesses not located onsite. As a result, companies can do business virtually from anywhere. The services include a physical address with mail receiving and forwarding and, lastly, a receptionist staff.
Our staff can have your assigned phone number and business address listed with the local 411. A one-time setup fee and monthly listing charges apply.
The customer’s company name will be available in the physical directory at the office center. Please check for this service offering per location; consequently, the Suite Directory Listing has a monthly charge.
How mail forwarding works starts with a mail forwarding schedule. The customer’s mail is forwarded by placing their unopened item in an envelope or packet and then mailing it to a destination the customer provided previously. We do not forward 3rd class mail. 3rd Class mail is advertising and addressed to a resident or occupant. Unless you specify it on the Mail Handling Privileges form, 3rd class mail will not be sent to you. Time-sensitive mail can be adjusted to a different schedule if the customer gives us a 24-hour notice.
Mail pickup? Absolutely, yes, during regular weekday office hours. We will email you when we receive mail from you. If you have not heard from us please call to be sure you have mail so you don’t waste time coming into the office.
We do accept parcels and couriers. We accept United Postal Service, Federal Express, and other Courier envelopes and packets (business documents). Our company cannot accept any item exceeding 10 pounds in weight or larger than 11-7/8 x 13-5/8. We also do not accept items containing dangerous, live, or perishable goods. A more straightforward answer is that we accept parcels and couriers.
The cost of mail forwarding services is mail plus handling fees. Cost and handling charges may apply. Inquire about specifics.
We provide private Offices or Conference rooms for one-on-one interviews or large spaces for meeting areas. Our facilities are available on a reservation basis, subject to location and availability; to review rates and availability, please contact us at 888-909-2774.
Please check each location for availability; additional charges apply. Space in a suite directory listing can sometimes be limited.
All BSSI Virtual Office and Phone Answering agreements are bilateral; the agreements are between two companies, not an individual with many companies. BSSI is a business-to-business (B2B) service provider. The agreements cannot be assigned to another company. Do you operate as a DBA? Do your clients know you by another name? Your Fictional Name (DBA) can be added and shared in the mailbox with your corporation or LLC at a discounted rate. Each company name and/or sister company requires its own agreement and incurs fees. BSSI is not responsible for any services performed by other individuals or entities except those named in the Agreement. Add another company by a quick contact us.
Clients can use our address for their business address for local business license requirements. The client’s industry must be permitted for our location through the local business licensing authorities. Further, for business requirements refer to the city’s local licensing authority. Finally, here are links to view our BBB A+ Rating and to contact us.
A physical location for client’s businesses for USPS sending and receiving letters and packages. Clients use our business address for marketing, which provides a professional image.
Our staffed location receives Federal Express, UPS, etc., envelopes and packages—with size and weight restrictions (no more than 10 lbs). The courier package receipt is our employees signing your packages.
You can visit our location during office hours to pick up mail in person. Free Mail Pickup is part of our suite of services.
Clients detail specifications for mail forwarding on the Mail Handling Specifications Form; as a result, we can send when requested to the client. Additional charges apply.
If you have any questions, please email us at, call us at 702.943.0310 – 888-909-2774, or use our Contact Us form.
Firstly, your business’s live answering is set up for success. Secondly, the receptionist answers each call using a custom greeting. Our receptionists follow the account instructions for handling your caller’s request. We do not sign up more accounts than our staff can handle, and we will always hire more receptionists when necessary.
Calls after 5 PM can be forwarded by using the Direct Call Connect service; as a result, the customer receives the after-hour calls. Another option is to have an auto-attendant handle the call. After the auto greeting the callers will be prompted to choose from the dialing options. The caller will be directed to a voicemail box. Then the message will be sent via email to the customer.
Direct Call to Cell is when the customer provides a phone number to which we can forward their calls. We then assign a telephone number routed directly to that number off-system the customer. Usually, these calls are routed to a mobile phone.
Firstly, our staff will program the greeting into the auto-attendant system. If you wish to record your greeting you are welcome to do so. Second, your callers are prompted to choose from the dialing options. Lastly, the call will either go to voicemail or be redirected to an outside number. Additional charges will only apply for unique voicemail boxes and international long-distance. This service can be upgraded to live answering at your convenience. Upgrading the service is a very simple process. Here are links to view our BBB A+ Rating and to contact us.
Voicemail to email is when our phone system emails you phone message files(.wav). First, a phone message is left for a business, and an email is sent to you with the message. Second, the phone system deletes the message from the voicemail box, consequently emptying the voicemail box for you. You can have a cell phone to receive emails and listen to the messages. Noteworthy, most mobile phones and laptops come standard with the required equipment. As a result, most clients have the required equipment. The client needs to refer to their IT resources for any assistance.
Text Message Notification allows customers to receive text messages from our receptionists on their mobile phones. Our receptionists answer calls on behalf of your company and then forward the message via text. This is only applicable to live answering service packages.
A charge of $1$ per call is applied for each call that surpasses the purchased bundled amount. There are no rollover calls, but if a call surpasses the allotted bundle amount, the customer has two options. First, purchase a block of additional calls mid-month at the discounted amount. Second, upgrade the monthly call bundle that is assigned to that account. These options allow the customer to take advantage of discounted rates in real-time.
Every phone answering package comes with one voicemail box, each with seven dialing extensions. For a fee, you can add up to five voicemail boxes. Lastly, an additional voicemail box comes with six extensions.
While employing our services, we need a local number that is uniquely yours. We can help you with a 411 local directory listing for assigned private telephone Numbers.
As for BSSI, we have two live answering package options and numerous ala carte (add-on) services. The first package is Standard Live Answering, where the receptionist takes a message from the caller and sends the message to the business via email (text messaging available). The second package is Live Premium, where the receptionist screens the call and proceeds per your instruction. BSSI Live Answering business hours are weekdays, 9 am to 5 pm local time (except holidays; refer to Closure List).
Blue Sky Solutions Inc.’s stability has been rock solid since its founding. Blu Sky Solutions Inc DBA BSSI Virtual Office has locations in Las Vegas and New York City. Since 2007 we have signed up thousands of clients. Our management team has 15+ years of experience in virtual office, business address solutions, and receptionist services. The Customer Service staff is made up of dedicated professionals. We are proud that BSSI has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.
BSSI’s regular office hours are Monday through Friday, 9 am to 5 pm. The BSSI holiday closure schedule closely follows the United States Postal Service.
- Monday, January 2 (New Year’s Day Observance) – Full Day Closure
- Friday, January 13 (Friday before Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday) – Close at 3:00 PM
- Monday, January 16 (Martin Luther King Jr. Birthday) – Full-Day Closure
- Friday, February 17 (Friday before President’s Day) – Close at 3:00 PM
- Monday, February 20 (President’s Day) – Full Day Closure
- Friday, April 7 (Good Friday before Easter Sunday) – Close at 3:00 PM
- Friday, May 26 (Friday before Memorial Day) – Close at 3:00 PM
- Monday, May 29 (Memorial Day) – Full Day Closure
- Friday, June 16 (Friday before Juneteenth) – Close at 3:00 PM
- Monday, June 19 (Juneteenth National Independence Day) – Full Day Closure
- Monday, July 3 (Day before Independence Day) – Close at 3:00 PM
- Tuesday, July 4 (Independence Day) – Full Day Closure
- Friday, September 1 (Friday before Labor Day) – Close at 3:00 PM
- Monday, September 4 (Labor Day) – Full Day Closure
- Friday, October 6 (Friday before Columbus Day) – Close at 3:00 PM
- Monday, October 9 (Columbus Day) – Full Day Closure
- Friday, November 10 (Veterans Day Observation) – Full Day Closure
- Wednesday, November 22 (The day before Thanksgiving) – Close at 3:00 PM
- Thursday, November 23 (Thanksgiving Day) – Full Day Closure
- Friday, November 24 (Day after Thanksgiving) – Full Day Closure
- Friday, December 22 (Friday before Christmas) – Close at 1:00 PM
- Monday, December 25 (Christmas Day) – Full Day Closure
- Friday, December 29 (Friday before New Year’s Day) – Close at 1:00 PM
This service provides fax communication through email. A fax is sent to a customer’s assigned fax number; as a result, this service creates a PDF document of the fax. Finally, the PDF document is emailed to the customer.
Administration charges may occur when reviewing or handling mail. This means that an extra cost may apply if the staff has to do additional work than agreed upon. When the pay-per-call bundle amounts are surpassed, additional fees will apply. Lastly, international long-distance connection fees will be used. Onsite faculties such as copy machines and meeting space will incur charges.
Regarding our business, we don’t believe in hidden charges. You will always be aware of charges when it comes to our agreement. Here are links to view our BBB A+ Rating and to contact us.
Customers purchase the right to use telephone numbers through our service agreement. BSSI phone numbers are assigned to customers but are the property of the phone service provider. The customer account must be active to access the assigned phone number.
Cash and checks are not accepted; all customers are included in our automatic monthly credit card payments. All credit card payments are charged on the 1st of the month. Major credit cards are the only forms of payment accepted for service fees.
Clients must send proper documentation through email, and any change to their account must be in writing. That’s how you update your agreement and my account. Adequate documentation is Fictitious Names or Secretary of State filed forms. Lastly, our company is not responsible for any services other individuals or entities perform except those named in the Agreement.
For changing the credit card on file; first, go to any Paid Invoice sent by email; secondly, in email find the personal billing link and click on it. Lastly, update the card on file manually at your convenience.
Please complete and return the Service Agreement and USPS Form 1583. In addition, please provide appropriate photo IDs. Further, a credit card will be required for automatic recurring billing. When your information is received, the package is set, and the first month’s monthly service fee will be charged. A minimum of 48 business hours is required for a Virtual Office setup. Most often, your package will be set up within 24 hours. We will send emails to your account status.

This BSSI FAQ section is to help our website visitors get quick answers to many common questions. Since 2007 we have provided Virtual Offices consisting of a business address, mail service, and phone answering. After years of business and thousands of clients in Las Vegas, NV, and New York City our company BSSI Virtual Office has a wide spectrum of experience.
Our sales support team is always available to speak about our services. We believe that answering the phone is a daily commitment. Importantly, our staff understands how prospects and clients value a staff that answers the phone.
We encourage anyone interested in a virtual office to read the FAQ information. Virtual Offices, Phone Answering, and Support categories are created to simplify your experience. We are very passionate about what we do; as a result, we have achieved a BBBA+ Rating.
If you have any further questions that you do not find on the list please feel free to submit a question or contact us.