Page 2 of the Form lists USPS instructions. Here’s additional guidance to completing the form.
Section 1
When your account was setup, you received a Go Live email. That date is when your PMB opened. Can’t access that email? We can complete that field when you return the form.
Section 2
Your BSSI address, 3651 Lindell Rd Ste D, Las Vegas NV 89103. Enter your mailbox number in section 2B.
Section 3
Type of Service Requested is BUSINESS/ORGANIZATION
Section 4
The Applicant is the Primary Contact for the Account.
Section 5
The Authorized Individual is different from the Applicant. Only complete this Sections 5, 10 and 11 if there is someone else picking up mail.
Section 6
If BSSI forwards your mail, enter the forwarding address. If you have scan service, enter your email address.
Section 7
On this form, your business address is NOT the BSSI address. Enter either your home address or business’ other physical location (if applicable).
Section 8
Refer to Section 8e for accepted ID to serve as PHOTO ID for the Applicant. U.S. State/Territory/Tribal Driver’s or Nondriver’s ID Card can be used as either Photo or Address ID, not for both.
Section 9
Refer to Section 9g for accepted ID to serve as ADDRESS ID for the Applicant. U.S. State/Territory/Tribal Driver’s or Nondriver’s ID Card can be used as either Photo or Address ID, not for both.
Section 10
Only applies if there is an Authorized Individual (Section 5). Refer to Section 10e for accepted ID to serve as PHOTO ID for the Authorized Individual. U.S. State/Territory/Tribal Driver’s or Nondriver’s ID Card can be used as either Photo or Address ID, not for both.
Section 11
Only applies if there is an Authorized Individual (Section 5). Refer to Section 11g for accepted ID to serve as ADDRESS ID for the Authorized Individual. U.S. State/Territory/Tribal Driver’s or Nondriver’s ID Card can be used as either Photo or Address ID, not for both.
Section 12
Will the Authorized Individual in section 5 receive mail? Enter name in this field. Are there other contacts with the company receiving mail? Enter names and separately email BSSI their 2 Forms of ID, following the ID requirements listed earlier.
Completing this Form with a Notary Public?
The Notary will sign and stamp on Page 2.
Don’t see your question listed here? Feel free to reply with questions on completing the USPS Form |