Mail Receiving Service Agencies must get a USPS Form 1583 from clients?


Mail receiving service agencies like BSSI Virtual Office should be 100% dedicated to have all clients fill out the USPS form 1583. We are registered with the USPS as a commercial mail receiving agency (CMRA). Therefore we can receive mail on our customers behalf. When a company signs up for mail receiving usually as part of a business address package the service provider must be a CMRA.

A USPS application must be completed and submitted to USPS by a company in order to be a CMRA. BSSI Virtual Office has filled this application out so our customers will be compliant with the USPS. 

This is the USPS Form 1583: The form can be viewed by clicking this link.

Then you can notarized online by viewing the video tutorial on YouTube through this link.






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