Transitioning from a traditional brick-and-mortar office to a virtual one is an excellent way of saving resources. However, you will have to streamline this switch to ensure a successful transition. One silver lining that the current COVID-19 pandemic has provided is that it pushed many employees to work from home. This, in turn, has laid down the groundwork. Nevertheless, you should also consider the following steps, guidelines, and suggestions so that nothing will be left to chance.

Traditional Office and Communicating the Transition to Your Employees

Workplace changes are quite difficult and unsettling for everyone, particularly for your employees. Keep your team up-to-date on the transition and let them know what to expect from their new office setup. Alert them to the practical and emotional changes that occur when transitioning to a virtual office. Allow for an adjustment period after the transition. Consider all the implications that will affect your workforce as a result of an office switch. By taking this conscientious approach, you will stand a better chance of streamlining the transition to an affordable virtual office. 

Re-assess Your Management Style

Even though the COVID-19 pandemic made virtual offices more necessary, telecommuting is expected to continue its proliferation. This trend should continue even after this particular outbreak is over. However, working from home will require a different management style than the one used in traditional offices. In the household, many employees will have to juggle their work and personal responsibilities. In addition, they’re also sharing their space and time with others. It’s important to take these factors into account when transitioning to remote work. 

Providing your staff members with clarity and managing expectations on targets will be crucial for their overall performance. Remote work tends to favor a more results-oriented management technique, rather than timeliness, or extra hours worked. Try to split your teams into shifts, which will allow your employees to develop a sustainable work-life balance. 

Traditional Office and Remaining Connected to the Team Through Transition

Colleague-to-colleague socializing helps to build a more trusting, understanding, supportive, mutually-productive, and productive environment. However, while working from home, employees will have far fewer opportunities to engage in social activities with their coworkers. Telecommuters are often excluded from collaborative projects and networking which creates a negative effect on the organization. It’s, therefore, advisable that you keep your remote team engaged regularly.

Consider Potential Privacy and Security Issues

When people work remotely, they still need to access the company’s internal database and resources. Yet, accessing this data from external locations can put the information at risk. Your staff will need to do so safely and securely, especially when dealing with personal, financial, or, otherwise sensitive information. 

It’s recommended that remote workers do not have administrator privileges unless it’s mandatory. Similarly, you should establish security protocols and policies to ensure your company is protected. Protection against any malicious attacks, ransomware, and data breaches is very important.

With your management and infrastructure in place, the benefits of a virtual office can be realized.  If you are interested in switching to a virtual office, BSSI Virtual Office provides excellent services at a cost-effective price. For more information, feel free to contact us at your convenience!


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